• At the Diner with Dad


    1 man, 2 women

    10 minute comedy

    His daughter is taking Dad to his appointments and they’re at lunch. It’s a battle to be heard, but Dad finds a way to get her attention!
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  • Choosing the Menu


    2 women, 1 either

    5 minute comedy

    As we grow older, our diets change. What we used to eat and still want to eat is on the ‘no no’ list.
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  • Secrets in the Clouds

    $5.00$35.00 Sale!

    2 women

    15 minute comedy

    Liz and Elsie, friends for 30 years, meet in the Afterlife, where secrets are revealed as they play games and drink Irish Whiskey. Wonderful, lively characters full of punch.
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  • All I Want is the Recipe&…


    2 mujeres

    Comedia de 10 minutes

    En esta entretenida conversación telefónica, la persona que llama quiere saber cómo hacer un guiso.   En lugar de eso, se encuentra así misma enredada en una conversación que se dispara en todas direcciones…por todos lados, ¡excepto en la dirección de la receta!
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  • Crash!

    $7.50$35.00 Sale!

    Flexible casting

    1 hour

    Created by a well-respected intergenerational company, this show turns the economic crisis into an opportunity to bring the generations together. Crash provides audiences with hope, insight, and joy.
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  • Mona Lisa’s Toe


    cast of 7

    10 minute radio play

    A madcap whodonnit radio farce about a missing "masterpiece" where everyone is a possible culprit.
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  • The Pie Ladies


    6 women, 3 either

    25 minute comedy

    The Pie Ladies pick up their rolling pins to make dozens of pies, and their own country. The first in The Pie Ladies Series
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  • Bagels


    1 man, 1 woman

    20 minute comedy

    Jake was thinking he was going to get lucky! Rachel agreed to come back to his apartment after dinner for a game of Scrabble. But did she really just want Scrabble?  
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  • Jogging et Commérages (&…


    2 femmes

    10 minutes

    "Jogging et Commérages" se compose de cinq sketches comiques mettant en scène deux femmes Seniors s'arrêtant de courir assez longtemps pour parler de ce qui se passe dans leurs vies.
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  • How Could You?


    2 women

    10 minute comedy

    On her 35th wedding anniversary, Rhoda bursts into the salon of her best friend and stylist, Muriel. Muriel comforts as only a longtime confidante can.
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  • The Day They Kidnapped Bl…


    cast of 7

    30 minute mystery comedy

    Blanche, an energetic retired teacher is having a blast starring in a community theatre comedy when the FBI needs her to outsmart a tough criminal and dim-witted assistant!
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  • A Will to Murder


    2 Men, 5 Women, 1Either

    45 minute murder mystery

    A cast of unsavory relatives, a corrupt lawyer, a sexy maid, and a devious butler keep the audience in suspense as the characters compete for deceased Mr. Thornburg's wealth.
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  • The Appraisal


    cast of 4

    8 minute comedy

    The popular TV program "Antique Side Show" has rolled into town and excitement is in the air. Hopes, dreams and wacky fantasies have replaced common sense.
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  • Finding Gladys


    4 men, 5 women, 1 either

    Two act, 90 minute

    Gladys dreams of being a celebrity. To fulfill her fantasy, she enters her play in a national contest only to find herself head over heels in comedic trouble. Audiences love this show!
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  • Moving Back


    1 man, 2 women

    13 minute comedy

    The kids want to move back home but Dad has just the plan to stop that nonsense!
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  • The Fairy Ring


    3 either

    10 minute fantasy

    Deep in the forest an old leaf encourages a caterpillar go on the next adventure. But the caterpillar is afraid and won't leave the fairy ring until he's nudged out. Fun and touching.
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  • DNN–Definitely NOT …


    9 actors playing 26 characters

    25 minute comedy

    The evening newscast is definitely NOT the news at DNN. Don't expect a lot of in depth coverage or serious social commentary! It's simply zany fun.
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  • The Magazine


    4 men, 2 women

    12-15 minute comedy

    Doug Stewart 12-15 minute comedy 4 men, 2 women In this moving comedy, a napping Elroy is completely oblivious as five complete strangers engage in a spirited cross-generational debate above his sleeping form regarding the value of history's hard-earned lessons. Available only as an e-script.
  • Carol Burnett Sketch Coll…


    Up to 6 characters in 5 sketches

    3-5 minutes

    Carol Burnett, one of the most brilliant comediennes, presents three movie parodies and a comedy sketch. No Royalty!
  • Romance Reconfigured


    1 man, 1 woman

    15 minutes

    Mimsy and Stephan keep romance alive with their unique twist on weekly Zoom dates. This one is a sure hit!  
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  • Out of This World

    $5.00$35.00 Sale!

    3 women

    10 minute comedy

    Sharon and Joyce are enjoying a glass of wine but nothing could possibly prepare them for the entrance of an old friend who announces that she’s an alien.
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  • The Wish


    1 man, 1 woman, 1 either

    10 minute comedy

    A longtime married couple's inability to understand the other one leads to a wish, and Somebody Upstairs is listening. Be careful what you wish for!
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  • The Day They Kidnapped Blanche


    2 men, 3 women, 1 either

    30 minute comedy

    Ann Pugh & Katy Dacus 30 minute comedy 2 men, 3 women, 1 either When residents in area nursing homes start disappearing, the FBI takes notice. Blanche Sherwin lands the role of a lifetime when federal agent Steven Devon asks her to go undercover to gather evidence. Click below to purchase the collection, New Plays for Mature Actors.
  • Splitting Hares


    1 man, 2 women

    10 minute comedy

    Couples counseling takes a strange turn as Ron and Annie struggle with a serious case of "Rabbititis."
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  • Still Life With Nudes-One Act


    3 men, 4 women

    50 minute comedy

    Why did the pretentious gallery not choose their art? The seniors’ only option is to protest, which leads them to even more challenges. Great characters in a strong script!
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  • For…Press or Say…


    1 man, 2 women

    12 minute comedy

    Those automatic phone services! They don’t seem to understand what you say and they have too many choices. But David's wife knows how to get past all of those annoying menus.
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  • Driving with Siri


    2 either

    5 minute comedy

    After being called stupid, Siri is still there, but her feelings are hurt. Will the driver ever get her pizza?
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