Monologues can showcase your acting and storytelling skills at their best an dare an excellent vehicle for older actors to express thoughts aloud. Here, you’ll find books of monologues as well as stand-alone scripts.

  • The Oldest Living Graduat…


    1 either

    4-minute comedy

    High school seniors have voted to invite a senior citizen, Sarah Goldfarb, to be their graduation speaker. Her wise and witty talk inspires!
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  • Age on Stage®: Lifewriti…


    Theatre from memories

    with this step by step guide

    Joy Reilly takes you through the writing process as you create monologues that reflect your own story.  The monologues, from funny to deeply personal, will inspire you!
  • Bert, One Year Later


    1 man

    10 minute monologue

    Bert, in his 70's and recently widowed, encounters a teenager outside his condo. The interaction convinces Bert that life is worth the pain.
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  • New Monologues for Mature…


    cast of 1

    varies by script

    Take these comic and serious monologues with their fresh, modern characters to your auditions and acting classes.
  • Summer Dreams/Winter Wishes


    2 men, 1 woman

    10 minute comedy

    These ten plays have dynamic and romantic older characters in monologues, ten-minute shows, and one acts.
  • One on One: the Best Mono…


    81 monologues

    from Ancient Greece to today

    Useful for auditions, in class, or performance, this collection of 81 monologues from ancient Greek to modern times gives older performers a wealth of material.
  • Finding Me


    1 woman, 1 voice over

    7 minute comedy

    After 51 years of marriage, Edna travels to Indonesia to see coral reefs, jungles and tigers and comes home with an important souvenir - herself.
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  • Sara Plays Her Game


    1 either

    10 minute monologue

    In WWII Paris during Madame Joel's French class, Sara learns how to play a very important game. Award-winning monologue!
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  • Housecleaning


    1 Either

    Less than 2 minutes

    Ida, a frustrated homemaker, swears off housework for more enlightening tasks. A never-fail show and a hit wherever it's performed!
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  • The Exam


    1 man

    10 minute monologue

    At his wife's behest, Ralph is visiting his doctor for a prostate checkup. But the digital aspect of the exam has given him sleepless nights!
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  • I’m Stayin’ Alive


    1 either

    7 minute comedy

    A bad case of boredom is first treated with cigarettes, alcohol and as many transfats as possible but the true cure ends up being surfing the web.
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  • Mrs. Claus


    1 woman

    5 minute comedy

    In this hilarious monologue, Mabel Claus describes the trials and tribulations of being married to the world’s most famous man for 541 years. A true Christmas gem!
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  • Miss Ida’s Man-in-t…


    1 woman

    45 minutes

    It’s July, 1969 and Miss Ida Lemmie is on a mission! Her yard sale is an excuse to tell her glamorous and vivid tale of survival.
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