Age is no barrier to athletic competitions.
These plays all have to do with sports. Put them together to create a production of any length. Click on the title for play information and to read a FreeView, then order your copy.
The Shankaholics and the Whack Jobs are tied at the final hole in the country club golf tournament. It's been a marathon struggle with hilarious barbs, antics, and all sorts of cheating!
Three retirees search for new ways to bring excitement into their lives. But just how far are they willing to go?
Coach has never lost a game so badly. It's true their athletic ability is nothing to be proud of, but there must be a way to motivate the Peacocks!
The Peacock's athletic ability is nothing to be proud of. What's a Coach to do?
For two years, Edna has been walking in a fog. Moving to Sunset Village wakes her up in more ways than one!
Shuffleboard at a rehab center sparks a romance. Included in Old Folks Rock: A Celebration of Vitality
Two men realize that friendship, even with a muskrat, is more important than making a stew of things.
With the help of his two friends, Ozzy gets off the bench and practices the dating game.
Jay and Amanda are a couple waiting to happen--or are they? An under-five soccer game seems an odd place to find a companion but maybe the grandkids are the key.
When four sorority sisters get together for a reunion week of fun and frolic, the gathering doesn’t go as planned. Their relationships are tested but friendship prevails.
A musical set at a 47th high school reunion in a small town, a sometimes melancholy, sometimes joyous gathering. Easy show, fun to perform!
Two old friends come out of retirement to become lifeguards at their local beach. Can they get along in their confined space?
The Over 60 Women's Park Basketball league has had a terrible first half. They're losing to Little Sisters of Mercy, and the Coach is beside himself!
"Jogging et Commérages" se compose de cinq sketches comiques mettant en scène deux femmes Seniors s'arrêtant de courir assez longtemps pour parler de ce qui se passe dans leurs vies.
"Trotando" es una serie de cinco sketches cómicos que involucran a dos mujeres mayores solteras que paran de trotar por un rato para hablar acerca de lo que sucede en sus vidas.
Jonathan M. Zaley
90+ minute comedy
2 men 2 women, plus audience participants
As they say in bowling centers around the globe, "Split Happens," and this audience-interactive comedy will have you rolling in the alleys with laughter while you watch St. Mary's of the Alley's Mixed Nuts bowling team as they prepare for their big championship game!
Best Seller! Two older women, dressed in exercise gear jog to center stage, where they stop long enough to talk about what’s going on in their lives. Hilarious!
To get her husband Harvey off the couch and looking at a new retirement community, Vera "runs" with a plan that involves a hunky neighbor, also known as Mr. Muscleman.
Four middle-aged women plan to convert a vacant store into a bowling alley. But first they must outsmart a cagey county Sheriff.
Margaret and Arlene show us what happens when adults gossip in a close-knit community. This play is in Chatterton Country Club