These plays relate to recipes, cooking, and the joy of eating.
Put them together to create a production of any length to explore our relationship to food and each other.
Hoping to impress viewers and win the "Sweetest Sweethearts" contest, the owners take on a major renovation only to discover the film crew has arrived a week early. Are their plans anything but half-baked?
Three shows featuring the escapades of the pie ladies whose creative half-baked plans land them in deep water. Or Jail.
A good casserole has an unintended result. This play is the second show in Escapade at the Villa Estates.
Carol and Chuck share five minutes of "quality time" debating what's for dinner.
The Health and Wellness Club members meet to share tips for living a happier, healthier life. Perhaps the ideas are a little off the wall?
Retires Walter and Sally share a synchronized breakfast using a particular implement, grabbers.
Asking a sister for the family heirloom is extra tricky when she's left this world.
This year's annual celebration comes with mischievous gamesmanship, laughs, suspense, and murder. Be glad you don't have friends like these!
Three friends each try to outdo each other in appealing to a now-available man. The action is frantic and funny!
Ro and Ilene snoop and eavesdrop on Ilene’s new neighbor, Max, thinking that he works for the CIA, has murdered his wife, and has buried her in his backyard!
This hilarious western-themed play asks you to choose sides, “Are you a Plainer or a Meatballer?”
Ivan rebels when Dorothy, an administrator, thinks she knows what's best for him. A sensitive show that highlights issues such as seniors not feeling that they are heard.
Brick Thompson has been receiving attention (and casseroles) from women who find him attractive, but at a party, it gets ridiculous!
Nora has posted an invitation to all of her lonely neighbors, but what a group appears!
The afternoon event is more than tea and scones--it's about friends' hopes, dreams, and misunderstandings as they celebrate each woman's life. Full of action!
Two very proper ladies lose all pretense of ladylike behavior as they have trouble paying for their meal at an expensive restaurant, finally finding a funny solution!
Roger, recently widowed, is visited by five women friends bearing gifts of food. Competition ensues with hilarious results.
Au court de cette hilarante conversation téléphonique, la personne qui appelle veut juste savoir comment préparer un plat.
The Senior Center's social committee prepares for their annual Christmas Coffee but to everyone's surprise, a hip-hop rapper steals the show. A light and lively holiday gem!
On his first day delivering pies for his son-in-law’s business, everything goes wrong...wrong address, a dropped pie, and someone who comes to his aid. Such a nice show!
A woman sees her blind date sneak a foil packet into his wallet and assumes it’s a condom. He's confident of something happening but it's not lust!
Kicked out of her book club, Judy Crayton has decided to form her own group called Civilian Rules Administration Police (C.R.A.P.)! This play is in Chatterton Country Club
In Chatterton Country Club, a 55+ retirement community, lives a crazy cast of characters whose stories make senior communal living..."entertaining!"
The Pie Ladies pick up their rolling pins to make dozens of pies, and their own country. The first in The Pie Ladies Series
En esta entretenida conversación telefónica, la persona que llama quiere saber cómo hacer un guiso. En lugar de eso, se encuentra así misma enredada en una conversación que se dispara en todas direcciones…por todos lados, ¡excepto en la dirección de la receta!
In this hilarious comedy, inspired by a PBS show, the broadcast of the sophisticated "Madame DuJour Men’s Gourmet Cooking Show" is seriously sidetracked by the guest host, a sloppy and overweight retired Navy cook.
An unsuspecting caller only wants to find out how to make a casserole but finds herself in a conversation that takes off everywhere but a recipe!
The matzo balls have gone missing from Sunny Acres Retirement Home and Holmes and Watson are on the case--Shirley Holmes and Dottie Watson, that is! A great comedy!
If Max is to win Wendy's heart, she decrees, "You must be able to make the perfect lasagna." Lasagna! Max doesn't even know how to spell lasagna!
Jake was thinking he was going to get lucky! Rachel agreed to come back to his apartment after dinner for a game of Scrabble. But did she really just want Scrabble?