• The Day They Kidnapped Blanche


    2 men, 3 women, 1 either

    30 minute comedy

    Ann Pugh & Katy Dacus 30 minute comedy 2 men, 3 women, 1 either When residents in area nursing homes start disappearing, the FBI takes notice. Blanche Sherwin lands the role of a lifetime when federal agent Steven Devon asks her to go undercover to gather evidence. Click below to purchase the collection, New Plays for Mature Actors.
  • Emotion Cards


    Teach the essentials

    of language and emotion

    Use this 80-card set in your classes and workshops to help actors portray different feelings and emotions.  A great way to spark imagination and improvisation!
  • A Santa-Mental Christmas


    cast of 8

    20 minutes

    Santa is grumpy! The modern workforce of elves and reindeer makes him wish for the good old days.  Will he get with the times?
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