• Waiting for Dr. Hamlett


    5 men, 5 women

    12-15 minute comedy

    Take this delightful romp through the medical morass of Dr. Hamlett's Padua City waiting room, as zany characters distribute Shakespearian quotes as though picking daffodils.  
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  • Our Voices: Senior Selfies


    Scenes for 1-9 actors, predominantly women

    1-15 minute vignettes

    A unique collaboration between a professional playwright and a group of seniors, Our Voices: Senior Selfies celebrates seniors’ empowerment through vignettes that are hilarious, insightful and poignant.
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  • Seasoned Theatre: A Guide…


    An indespensible guide

    and virtual road map

    By Martha Haarbauer This book is a virtual road map how to establish and maintain a Senior Theatre.
  • In Rumi’s Field


    2 either

    12-15 minute drama

    Two strangers meet in a field. What at first seems like small talk actually stirs some deeper questions.
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  • Lust ‘n Digestion


    1 male, 1 female and a brief appearance by a waiter

    7 minute comedy

    A woman sees her blind date sneak a foil packet into his wallet and assumes it’s a condom. He's confident of something happening but it's not lust!
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  • Betta Daze


    1 man, 2 women

    60 minute comedy

    Michelle is a technologically challenged senior in a retirement community. Betta is her virtual computerized assistant. How can they learn how to work together?
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  • House of Tomorrow


    3 men, 4 women


    Humorous and touching, "The House of Tomorrow" weaves together stories and characters in a flexible length show.
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  • Teaching Senior Theatre C…


    Stay active in Senior Theatre

    when you need to stay home

    Learn how to teach Senior Theatre classes online with techniques and tips to help you be successful!
  • Perplexing Polar Problems


    3 men, 3 women, 2 either

    10 minute comedy

    Problems in Santa's Polar Kingdom have everyone in a titter! A short and easy play that you can pull together quickly.
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  • Gin and Tonic (in Spanish)


    1 hombre, 1 mujer

    Comedia de 10 minutos

    Esta comedia de carcajadas ofrece una mirada fresca a los problemas de las citas románticas en la tercera edad.
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  • Old Folks Rock: A Celebra…


    Flexible casting

    85 minutes

    Three plays that celebrate old folks! They can be performed singly or all together.
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  • Engage! 28 Creative Enric…


    Easy to use

    thematic lesson plans

    If you want to stimulate older persons’ minds and imaginations, this gem of a book is for you. Create sessions that are filled with creativity, exploration, and fun.
  • Telemarketer Torment


    3 men, 4 women

    15 minute comedy

    Silvia hatches a brilliant idea for how to handle telemarketers. She no longer hangs up with anger. With her new strategy, they can't get off the call fast enough!
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  • Funding Your Senior Theatre


    Diverse funding sources

    brings theatre to life

    Recently updated! Use these successful techniques to create stable and sustainable funding for your Senior Theatre.
  • Close Call


    2 women 2 men

    10 minute comedy

    Charlie and Clem like their two widow neighbors, but how can they propose to them?