These shows all relate to the theme of growing older.
What is conscious aging?
Conscious aging is accepting the aging process and the fact that we are all getting older – because that’s natural way of things. It means not buying into a cultural myth of what a certain age should be like, feel like or act like. Create a show using one or several of these plays to explore how different individuals react and adapt to the social expectations and the realities we all face as we get older.
Ahoy mateys! This team o' pirates be not like typical porch pirates! They're on contract to prevent the accumulation of too much stuff.
Walt and Chet are friends in assisted living with big imaginations, a love of remembering previous girlfriends, and dreams of going on a trip to Florida in a red Corvette.
You'd think that if a friend calls you in a panic to "Get over here now!" things are really bad. But the trauma is purely psychological.
For 15 years, ever day, Max has been coming to the same bench. The one day he was going to do something different, a stranger is sitting in his spot and puts a jinx on his plan.
Once a head-turning beauty, an older woman has a plan to harm portraits of younger women in a museum exhibit.
Two couples, confronted by the reality of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, forge ahead into life's undefined future with humor and honesty.
When Robert and Alese Langford interview for a coveted spot at an elite retirement community, everyone--including the audience--is in for surprises!
Henrietta, whose husband died recently, is taken in by various schemes and scams, only to be saved in the nick of time by the street-wise detective and scambuster, San Scam!
The creator of the hit comic strip "Luann" brings you a fresh new musical that reminds us to wear wrinkles with pride!
Joan comes up with a brilliant plan to combat ageism and the inappropriate way some people speak to older people.
Bettie explains the tangled maze of learning to live without your spouse in this surprisingly funny short play.
A young volunteer tries to cheer up an outspoken older woman who has absolutely no desire, whatsoever, to be perked up.
Three old codgers sit in the park and soak up the sun while they reminiscence about the past and their youth. Hilarious sketch, very popular in variety shows.
The question most of us will one day face, "When should I stop driving?" is at the heart of this light-hearted show.
At his wife's behest, Ralph is visiting his doctor for a prostate checkup. But the digital aspect of the exam has given him sleepless nights!
James shows us how to reflect on our own lives and make the right decisions. But is there still time?