Dick Meredith
35 minute comedy
2 men, 5 women plus extras if available
Life at Willow Creek has never been the same since the rumor mill has concocted the story about June’s pregnancy. The place has been all a-buzz! The story gets more outlandish as the overheard conversations are skewed from fact to fiction. It’s love, marriage, babies, adoption and…well, where will the story ever end? Eventually, the rumor is cleared up and the wedding celebration begins!
This show has been performed in many senior centers, retirement communities, and by Senior Theatre companies. It’s easy to tour, flexible, and fun!
I really loved directing this play. The characters are clear, there’s a great build of excitement to the show, and what surprised me most was that the audience actually believed the rumor! Sally S.
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See Dick Meredith’s new play Love Connection Dot Com.
About the playwright:
A former police officer and fraud investigator, Dick’s writing career began when he was asked to write four educational plays that addressed social issues. Since then, he’s written over a dozen one-act plays which have been performed in numerous venues. Dick and his wife are enjoying retirement, living on a lake in Pennsylvania, where he continues to write plays.