• The Reunion


    2 either

    10 minute comedy

    Scott and Carl meet by chance after half a century. Childhood dreams often give way to adulthood, but do they have to?
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  • Radio KRZY


    cast of 6

    30 minute

    You'll love this farcical, wacky comedy about the shenanigans, backstage drama, and on-air screw-ups, of the cast and crew of a small-town radio station, where everything goes a little KRAZY.
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  • Still Twenty-Nine


    1 man, 1 woman

    10 minute comedy

    Life is quiet, simple, and routine for stodgy retiree, Earl, until Aileen, his fun-loving wife, jostles the norm by joining a motorcycle club!
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  • Molly Brown! She was Unsi…


    cast of 9

    10-15 minutes

    Full of spirit, this is Molly Brown's tale of rags to riches and her courage when the Titanic was sinking. Royalty free!
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  • Mimi and Me


    2 women: Mimi (age 90) & Tindy (age 20)

    15 minutes

    A young volunteer tries to cheer up an outspoken older woman. What begins as a test of wills ends up as a loving relationship.  
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  • Senior Theatre Connection…


    A comprehensive guide

    in one volume

    This comprehensive source book of performing groups, professionals and resources brings all of Senior Theatre into one volume. Discover ways to create theatre magic with older performers.
  • Sunset Village


    2 men, 6 women

    90 minute comedy

    For two years, Edna has been walking in a fog. Moving to Sunset Village wakes her up in more ways than one!

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  • All I Want is the Recipe&…


    2 mujeres

    Comedia de 10 minutes

    En esta entretenida conversación telefónica, la persona que llama quiere saber cómo hacer un guiso.   En lugar de eso, se encuentra así misma enredada en una conversación que se dispara en todas direcciones…por todos lados, ¡excepto en la dirección de la receta!
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