Greg Evans
90 minute musical, 14 songs
4 men, 4 women
Click here to read a FreeView of “I Forgot” from Wrinkles
Click here to read a FreeView of “You’re My Doctor?!” from Wrinkles
Order a perusal of the script and the music on a two-month loan!
You’ll receive the full score, the script, and a CD of the 14 songs. After the loan ends, return the perusal to us. If you need longer to decide, let us know.
Contact us for production scripts and royalty. It’s a great show, we know your audiences will love it.
Click below to listen to the Overture
Click below to listen to “You’re the Only Thing Right”
About the Playwright: Greg Evans was born in and grew up near Disney Studios in Burbank, CA. As a kid, he rode his bike to the gate, hoping his hero, Walt, might need a 7-year-old animator. Oh well.
After college and a stint as a high school art teacher, Greg got serious about his dream of doing a comic strip. After dozens of failed attempts, inspiration struck one day as he watched his 6 year old daughter, Karen, play dress-up. Greg immediately began writing a strip about a colorful, funny teen girl and this was the strip that clicked; LUANN was syndicated, debuting in newspapers in 1985. Since then, the cast of characters has evolved and grown, becoming colorful, funny young adults.
In 2003, Greg received the National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist Of The Year. In 2016, he was awarded a Doctorate of Fine Arts from CalState San Marcos. And in a perfect case of “full-circle,” Karen, the original LUANN, is now helping her dad write the strip! Greg and his wife Betty live a senior citizen life in sunny San Diego.