Jay Kerr and Al Budde
80 minute musical
3 men, 5 women
About the musical: In Full Steam Ahead!, previously titled One More Tomorrow, a group embarks on an all-inclusive adventure upon the venerable ‘Miss Mossy,’ a century-old Mississippi riverboat. Along the way, the ‘Miss Mossy’ works her magic, reminding us how life can lead to unexpected, exciting new possibilities, glorious redemption, and ultimately, one more tomorrow. With seasoned characters, touching lyrics, and beautiful harmonies, Full Steam Ahead! floats down the river not so much toward a final destination, but to an exciting new beginning for everyone–including the ‘Miss Mossy!’
Here’s what they’re saying about the show:
- This plays shows the golden years as a beginning, not an end… It’s a very upbeat, positive look at maturity. – Newspapers, Capital Region, Albany New York
Interested in producing this show?
For $5, you’ll receive the script and a CD of the music for a two-month loan. Once you decide to produce the show, contact us for cast copies and royalty per performance.

Al Budde and Jay Kerr have written six popular musicals