Bob Naquin
25 minute comedy
4 women, 2 either, extras if available
Another hilarious Bob Naquin play!
Chloe and Maggie are getting a jumpstart on their holiday shopping. The two are driving along when Maggie, who’s driving, decides Chloe’s Santa hat looks ridiculous. It’s August! The two tussle over the hat, and in her distraction, Maggie runs over a cat. They pull over. Chloe feels obligated to collect the dead animal for a proper burial and funeral; Maggie is determined it’s time for lunch. Their compromise? Put the cat in a shopping bag in the back of the car while they go out to eat. Then, while eating lunch, a thief burgles the cat from the car, and soon after, the waitress burgles the cat burglar in the restaurant. Will the cat get the funeral Chloe hopes for?
Dear Cat Lovers: EMTs do arrive at the scene, but relax, no cats are injured in the production of this play.
If you enjoy a good laugh, be sure to check out the full list of Bob Naquin plays !