STAR – Senior Theatre Acting Repertory
Members of Who’s Who in Senior Theatre
Members of Who’s Who in Senior Theatre
STAR, a group of ‘Young at Heart’ seniors, with ages between 50-100 (YES, our matriarch is 100!) has been bringing award-winning dramatic and comedic scenes and songs to audiences in Queens and Long Island, NY since 1986. STAR is committed to serving the diverse cultures of Queens’ seniors and the community at large by presenting live theatrical programs that entertain, inspire, and educate their audiences while showcasing the members’ talents and promoting a more positive image of older adults. They perform daytime shows at libraries, senior centers, veterans’ homes, assisted living facilities, and rehab centers.
In recognition of its aims and efforts, this year STAR received funding from the Queens Community Arts Grant, the New York Foundation for the Arts Grant, and the Flushing Town Hall GO Queens Grant.
STAR is looking for volunteer actors, a sound technician, and a stage manager. For more information, contact Lori Diaz, STAR Board President, below.