Kitty Dubin
15 minutes
2 women: Mimi (age 90) & Tindy (age 20). Can be played by women of any age.
For Sociology credit, Tindy has to volunteer with seniors somewhere and then write a paper on it. Today, she’s there to visit Mimi who is not interested in the sing-a-long, not interested in having her hair done, and not interested in talking to Tindy. In fact, what Mimi is interested in doing is to die, preferably in her sleep. Tindy’s optimism however, does start to break the ice between the two and eventually Mimi starts to warm to her visitor.
We read a lot of plays that are easy to forget, but this one is a show that stays with you!
The show was performed in the national tour of “Six Women at Sixty.”
“Mimi and Me’ celebrates! It’s clever, filled with mystery, revelation, and a surprise ending.” Miami Herald
“The characters meet for the first time and leave better than when they began, reflecting the author’s respect for and confidence in human nature. The characters have their flaws, but they also have the ability to learn from one another.” Backstage
Selected for inclusion in the following contests and festivals:
- American Playwright’s Festival-New York City
- Turnip Festival -New York City-first runner up
- Heartland Theatre’s Play by Play Marathon, Detroit
- 6 Women Turning Sixty-included in an evening of 6 plays, performed in 6 different cities by 6 women who were turning 60 that year
- An Evening of One Acts by Kitty Dubin, Love Creek Theatre, New York City.