Bob Rinfret spent 35 years in the theatre, appearing on stage in over 50 productions. Now retired, he plays golf and music and is associated with Brenau University’s Athletic Department. In his spare time, he writes plays!
A fired Santa discovers the real meaning of Christmas through a magical sack.
Myrna is a retired starlet, Sylvia is a retired homemaker. Now living in a retirement village, Sylvia thinks they might be sharing something!
Laugh along as Noah builds his gigantic boat in the wilderness while his wife and neighbors complain bitterly. A laugh-filled show that gives a new slant to an old story!
James shows us how to reflect on our own lives and make the right decisions. But is there still time?
Louie and Louise have been married for years. But now, Louie spends his days ‘looking’ for something and won't say what. A fast moving show with a strong ending!
Shirley, a cashier, has seen everything, but never expected Charlie, her retired friend and regular customer, to attempt robbery!
Want to be published?
If you’d like to have us publish your play, book, or material read our Writers’ Guidelines. We look forward to reading your work!