When kids get together with their grandparents, there’s a certain reciprocity that benefits each of the generations.
Explore this relationship with these plays. Put several together to create a play of any length!
Behold the court cases of some seriously funny crimes that have transpired in the world of Mother Goose.
Grandpa is very happy living in his beach shack, spotting whales with his telescope. But his daughter, Estelle, wants him to live in her apartment. Great story with children and adults sharing the stage!
Created by a well-respected intergenerational company, this show turns the economic crisis into an opportunity to bring the generations together. Crash provides audiences with hope, insight, and joy.
High school seniors have voted to invite a senior citizen, Sarah Goldfarb, to be their graduation speaker. Her wise and witty talk inspires!
A young volunteer tries to cheer up an outspoken older woman who has absolutely no desire, whatsoever, to be perked up.
The old concession stand on the beach is going to be torn down. So the longtime proprietor gathers with a seagull friend to say goodbye.
Deep in the forest an old leaf encourages a caterpillar go on the next adventure. But the caterpillar is afraid and won't leave the fairy ring until he's nudged out. Fun and touching.