If you don’t find what you’re looking for below, contact us
503-246-3000 or toll-free at 800-858-4998
We’re here to help you!
How can I order?
In addition to our website, you may place an order by:
- Phone: We can take your order over the phone using any major credit card. We also accept Purchase Orders and can issue invoices.
- Email: Click here to send us your order.
How do digital products work?
After you purchase a digital product, you will receive an email that includes download instructions. Downloads expire after one week.
Our scripts are available in a digital format for perusal, classroom, and performance use.
Can I copy the script?
Plays are copyrighted materials. To copy a script, you must purchase a license to copy. We offer two different copy licenses, depending upon your use.
If you are teaching a class, and no one outside of your class will see your group perform, in order to copy the script for you class, you must purchase a “Classroom Script — License to Copy.”
If anyone who is not in your theatre group will see the actors perform, you must purchase a “Production Script — License to Copy,” and royalties.
What are perusal scripts?
Purchase a perusal script (either digital or hard copy) to determine if the show is good for your theatre group. Add them to your library!
- Perusal scripts cannot be copied
- Perusal scripts cannot be used to hold auditions or rehearsals
- Perusal scripts cannot be used to teach a class (to hold a class, purchase Classroom Script — License to Copy, or a hard copy of a perusal script for each student)
- Perusal scripts cannot be used to produce a show (you must purchase Production Scripts. Either enough hard copies for each cast and crew member, or a License to Copy)
What is a production script?
Copyrighted scripts cannot be shared or distributed without permission. For any performance of a copyrighted show, you must purchase quantity production scripts equal to your cast and crew, in addition to royalties. You have two options for production scripts. Both are much more economical than purchasing a perusal script for each cast and crew member.
1. Production Script – License to Copy
When you purchase a production script license to copy, you must purchase as many copies as for your entire cast and crew. After payment is received, you will receive a downloadable file of the script and permission to print the appropriate number of copies.
2. Production Script – Hard Copies
Hard copy production scripts are printed single-sided, on 3-hole punch paper and shipped to you.
What is a classroom script license to copy?
Plays are copyrighted materials. To copy a script, even for educational purposes, you must purchase a license to copy.
If you are teaching a class, and no one outside of your class will see your group perform, in order to copy the script for you class, you must purchase a “Classroom Script — License to Copy.”
If anyone who is not in your theatre group will see the actors perform, you must purchase a “Production Script — License to Copy.”
How do perusal scripts for musicals work?
For $5 plus Shipping and Handling, we ship to you perusal script of a musical.
Inside you’ll find the score, often a CD of the music, plus the script.
You have two months to review the materials and ship the perusal package back to us. If you need longer, please let us know.
If you decide to produce the show, contact us for cast copies of the script and royalties.
What’s a streaming license?
A streaming license is a fee you pay in order to perform a script online. While sometimes you must make a movie / video of your performance in order to post it online, a streaming license is only for online performances and the actual digital files must be destroyed after your production.
If you would like to make a video of your performance for archival use, you must contact us.
Prior to 2020, videotaping of any performance was strictly prohibited so that we could protect the intellectual property of our playwrights. But, in order to allow people to share performances online, we began offering a Streaming License. You may purchase a Streaming License on the product page. Before producing your show, you must answer the following two questions:
- Which method will you use to stream the show?
- When will the show be deleted from the electronic medium?
Read more about online performances here.
I can’t find my downloaded file. What do I do?
If you’ve clicked on the green button to download your file but are unable to locate your file, the first thing to do is to locate your download folder.
- For most common browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, DuckDuckGo), check where your browser is set to download files on your computer. In your browser window, go to settings, then downloads. For Safari, in the “File” menu, select “Download” from the dropdown menu.
- To do the same thing, you can also use a keyboard shortcut.
- On a PC: Control J
- On Mac OS: Command + Shift + j
- On iOS: Command + D
- For Windows users, double check that you don’t have “hidden folders”
- For Mac OS Users:
- Open Finder and click on Finder from the top menu bar on the screen. Click on Settings from the dropdown menu. Click on the Sidebar menu from the top and then check the Downloads option.
- Right-click on the blank area on your Mac desktop, then click on Quick Access > Downloads.
- Look in the dock (beside the Trash) for a stack of icons or a folder icon with a downward-pointing arrow on it. Click that shortcut, and your Downloads folder will open.
- Use Spotlight: Press Command + Space Bar and type the folder name.
If you’re still having trouble, or received a “404 internal error” please send us an email or give us a call! We are happy to send you your file.
I’ve decided to produce a show. Now what?
How exciting! You’ve made an excellent selection. Here are some things you need to know.
- Everyone in your cast needs their own script.
While it’s tempting to simply distribute scripts by making your own copies or sharing PDFs, doing so is actually illegal due to copyright restrictions. ArtAge offers both printed production copies and the license to print digital copies of all of our plays at a reduced cost. - Our playwrights own their work.
Even after you purchase a script, unless it’s a non-royalty piece, you do not have permission to perform it. A playwright’s script is like your friend’s car. You need approval before driving it away. - Royalty is a payment that grants you permission to perform a script.
Any time you present a work in front of others who are not part of your theatre group, whether or not they’ve paid admission, it is a performance. This includes: readings, dress rehearsals, and online events. So that you don’t forget, please pay royalties as soon as you know the date of the performance, or at least two weeks prior. - Show off your “permission slip”!
To show that you have permission to perform a work, it’s important for you to include the following statement in your program. For online shows that may not have a program, you can present this in an image, or read it prior to the show.
Performed with special permission from ArtAge Publications’ Senior Theatre Resource Center at 800-858-4998, www.seniortheatre.com
- Give it your own twist, just don’t change what’s written.
It’s up to you to bring the story to life as you imagine it. But don’t get too creative! You need to stick to the script. If you would like to make a tweak to meet community sensibilities for language use, sensuality, or gender roles, or to localize please contact us. Any changes, additions, or deletions to the text must be approved. - Are you planning to share your performance online or videotape your work?
Great! Both are possible, they are just not included in a regular permission to perform. If you intend to videotape, even for archival use, or doing anything on the internet, please call us early in the process and we can help you do everything properly. - We take our playwrights’ ownership of their work seriously.
ArtAge needs to be responsible to our playwrights and that means making sure they are compensated for their creativity. ArtAge reserves the right to assess an infringement penalty for photocopying a script or producing a play or musical without acquiring proper rights. ArtAge does not accept returns, except for musical perusal copies.
Do I need to pay royalties?
Unless a play specifies that it is royalty free, a royalty fee is due whenever a play is presented in front of an audience. An audience is defined as any group of people who watch the show.
That is the only thing that matters. Royalty is required even if:
- you do not charge admission
- your actors don’t memorize but read their lines
- you are a non-profit
- your performance group only caters to an older audience
- your audience is only a few people who are not part of your theatre group
Royalties are paid per performance.
ArtAge takes our responsibility to protect the intellectual property of our playwrights seriously. You will be liable for a penalty for not paying a royalty.
Can I edit or rewrite the play?
Plays must be performed as written. Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the text must be approved.
The reason for this is that the playwright owns the script. When you pay a royalty fee, you are purchasing a license to perform the script as it is written. What the playwright puts on the page must end up on the stage.
If you need to adjust the show to meet community sensibilities for language use, sensuality, or gender roles, please contact us.
Can I film or videotape a show?
No filming in any medium is permitted without permission from ArtAge Publications.
If you are interested in filming your show for an online performance, you must purchase a streaming license. You may purchase a streaming license on the product page for each script, or you may call us to discuss the process.
Read more about online performances here.
If you are interested in filming your show to keep it as an archive, please call us to discuss an archive license.
How do I get permission to use music in our shows?
You need to write to the publisher for permission. The information is usually listed on each page of the sheet music. An ASCAP license does not give you permission to perform music which is only applicable for lobby and non-performance use. The benefit of using scripted musicals is that you don’t have to write all of those permission letters!
Shipping & Returns
What if I need materials immediately?
Many of our scripts are available immediately as downloadable files. However, if you need hard copies or other items shipped to you in a hurry, let us know.
We’ll do everything possible to rush them to you.
Do you ship internationally?
We have many international customers and have worked out the following process for shipping you your materials.
- You place your order, the US Shipping fee will be applied.
- We assemble your items and calculate your actual shipping costs, plus an additional processing fee of $8 USD.
- We send you a PayPal “request for funds” which you may pay via any credit card, as well as PayPal.
- Once PayPal notifies us that the fee has been paid, we ship your materials promptly.
We cannot accept returns, except for musical perusal copies.
Other Questions
How do I submit a play for publication?
We have a reading season which is announced in the e-newsletter. Plays are accepted year round and will be held for the next season. For formatting instructions and more submission information, please consult our Writers’ Guidelines.
What is your Privacy Policy?
ArtAge does not disclose, distribute, sell, rent, lease, or in any way share information about our customers. We may use your mailing or email address to send you information that we feel might interest you.
Please see our complete privacy policy here.
What other questions do you have?
Let us know your questions. We are happy to answer them for you.
Can I get scripts in large print?
YES! Most of our scripts are available in larger font.
The default size for our scripts is 12 pt, but if you require larger (14 pt, (16 pt, or (18 pt) please let us know.
There is an additional $15 formatting fee.