Royalty is a fee that pays the playwright for their creativity and hard work. We have both royalty and non-royalty pieces.
Do I Have to Pay Royalty?
Unless a play specifies that it is royalty free, a royalty fee is due whenever a play is presented in front of an audience. An audience is defined as any group of people who watch the show.
That is the only thing that matters. Royalty is still required even if:
- you are not charging admission
- your actors haven’t memorized their lines
- you are a non-profit
- your performance group only caters to an older audience
- your audience is only a few people who are not part of your theatre group
Royalties are paid per performance.
ArtAge aims to keep royalties affordable while at the same time respecting the intellectual property of our hard-working playwrights.
You may purchase royalty online when purchasing your script.
Perusal scripts may not be duplicated! When you perform a show, you are also required to purchase a copy (usage) license for each cast and crew member.
Royalties are payable two weeks prior to the performance. Click here for the ArtAge Performance Guidelines and Royalty Form. Royalties can be paid online or by check, credit card, PayPal, Invoice, or Money Order.
Insert in your programs:
“This production was made possible by the ArtAge Senior Theatre Resource Center,, 800-858-4998.”
Performances that take place without a royalty payment violates Federal Copyright Law and are subject to penalties.
Copyright is one of the vital rights set forth in the United States Constitution. It is mentioned in Article I, Section 8. The founding fathers preserved the idea that a creative person has a right to protect the products of his imagination because they knew this would be the foundation of growing an economy. If people cannot profit from their new ideas, there is little point in sharing them. In short, people should respect copyright because of their respect for the constitution.
ArtAge takes the protection of our playwrights’ intellectual property seriously. The minimum ArtAge penalty for non-payment of royalties is double the royalty amount plus $300.
Feel free to contact us with questions. Call 503-246-3000, toll free at 800-858-4998 or contact us by email.